Your personal nutrition assistant

Evidence-based and dietitian-informed.
Made to help you reach your goals!

A new way to eat healthy

EatWise.AI is a nutrition assistant that helps you

  • Monitor your eating habits
  • Track your body's reactions
  • Receive personalized meal suggestions

We use advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make the process of tracking your food and symptoms as effortless as possible.

Eatwise AI App

How it works

Start chatting

Simply chat with Eatwise about your goals, symptoms and your diet history.

Get personalized guidance

EatwiseAI analyzes your diet and symptoms to provide tailored suggestions based on your unique needs.

Keep track easily

Say goodbye to spreadsheets! Log your nutrition and symptoms effortlessly through simple chats and voice input.

Stay informed

Get ongoing updates on products and foods that can help you reach your goals. Eatwise offers weekly nutrition sprints to keep you on track and feeling great.

Unlock your full potential with a customized meal plan!

Get Started

Take control of your health with personalization!

Low Fodmap

Gluten Free

Diabetes Friendly


Take control of your nutrition today.

Eatwise is here to revolutionize the way you approach nutrition. Our mission is to empower you to make informed choices, achieve your health goals, and live a happier, healthier life.

Get Started Now!